How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 DAYS [Weight Loss Smoothies]
Battling excess weight can be one of the most frustrating, challenging, and emotionally draining experiences on earth. Many people struggle with a never-ending battle to lose weight and get healthy. Despite the numerous fad diets, exercise regimens, and magic pills for weight loss, Americans continue to grow larger and larger year after year. Diets abound, and the diet industry is huge. But the sad fact is that about 95 percent of people who lose weight on a diet gain it back in three to five years.
You cannot lose weight permanently by strictly following any special diet, taking a weight-loss pill, or following an exercise regimen. You have to realize that losing weight involves a major lifestyle change
What is Lifestyle Change
First, you will have to forget about dieting! Typically, you “go on” a diet, which implies that at some point you “go off” it. A typical diet is something you do for a specified period of time. What usually happens when you “go off” the diet? You gain all the weight back. With this ten-day cleanse, we are going to retrain your taste buds to desire and crave healthier foods so you never have to think about dieting again.
I believe the first step in losing weight is detoxification. Without detoxification, millions of people worldwide lose the fight to lose weight permanently. There are many factors that contribute to weight gain, and one factor that is most overlooked by traditional diets is toxic overload.
Simply put, people often have difficulty losing weight because their bodies are full of poisons. The more toxins you take in or are exposed to every day, the more toxins you store in fat cells in the body. Toxins stored in fat cells are difficult to get rid of through dieting alone. You must first detoxify the body. Thus, the most effective weight-loss programs should focus on both fat loss and detoxification, which lead to overall improved health and wellness.
Do You Need to Detox/Cleanse?

Take this quiz to determine whether you have the toxic overload in your body leading to weight gain and poor health. Read each question and give yourself one point for every “yes” answer.
- Do you crave sweets, bread, pasta, white rice, and/or potatoes?
- Do you eat processed foods (TV dinners, lunchmeats, bacon, canned soup, snack bars) or fast foods at least three times a week?
- Do you drink caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea more than twice daily?
- Do you drink diet sodas or use artificial sweeteners at least once a day?
- Do you sleep less than eight hours per day?
- Do you drink less than 64 ounces of good, clean water daily?
- Are you very sensitive to smoke, chemicals, or fumes in the environment?
- Have you ever taken antibiotics, antidepressants, or other medications?
- Have you ever taken birth control pills or other estrogens, such as hormone replacement therapy?
- Do you have frequent yeast infections?
- Do you have “silver” dental fillings?
- Do you use commercial household cleaners, cosmetics, or deodorants?
- Do you eat non-organic vegetables, fruits, or meat?
- Have you ever smoked or been exposed to secondhand smoke?
- Are you overweight or do you have cellulite fat deposits?
- Does your occupation expose you to environmental toxins?
- Do you live in a major metropolitan area or near a big airport?
- Do you feel tired, fatigued, or sluggish throughout the day?
- Do you have difficulty concentrating or focusing?
- Do you suffer bloating, indigestion, or frequent gas after eating?
- Do you get more than two colds or the flu per year?
- Do you have reoccurring congestion, sinus issues, or postnasal drip?
- Do you sometimes notice you have bad breath, a coated tongue, or strong-smelling urine?
- Do you have puffy eyes or dark circles under your eyes?
- Are you often sad or depressed?
- Do you often feel anxious, antsy, or stressed?
- Do you have acne, breakouts, rashes, or hives?
- Do you have less than one bowel movement per day and/or get constipated occasionally?
- Do you have insomnia or trouble getting restful sleep?
- Do you get blurred vision or itchy, burning eyes?
The higher your score, the greater the potential toxic burden you may be carrying and the more you may benefit from a detoxification and cleansing program.
If you scored 20 or higher: You will significantly benefit from detoxifying your body, which could lead to weight loss and improved health and vitality. It is strongly recommended that you look into different ways to detoxify the body.
If you scored between 5 and 19: You will likely benefit from a detoxification program for improved health and vitality.
If you scored below 5: You might actually be free of toxic overload in the body and living a very healthy, toxin-free life. Good for you! Although our bodies have the ability to eliminate toxins, it’s when the body gets overloaded with toxins that it stores them in fat cells. Fat cells don’t get broken down very easily, so they literally weigh down the body and make it bigger. As toxins accumulate, we begin to experience health problems like allergies, migraines, major diseases, and fatigue/low energy.
Which Greens and Why?

Here’s a list of the most popular greens to use in green smoothies. Keep in mind that they are in random order, not necessarily in order of the most nutritious.
Parsley: Parsley is rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fiber and is known to help reduce aging and regulate blood sugar levels.
Spinach: Perhaps the most beloved green leafy vegetable of them all, spinach is mild tasting and not as bitter as other greens. Its dark green leaves really pack a punch with high levels of omega-3s, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K. When most people start drinking green smoothies, they start with spinach!
Collard Greens: Collards are green leafy vegetables that are nutritionally similar to kale but chewier and with a much stronger taste. They are a superior agent for binding to bile acids throughout the digestive tract, which makes them very good at lowering cholesterol.
Dandelion Greens: Dandelion greens look like weeds in your lawn, but they are yet another great source of vitamins A and K. They help the digestion process and can help constipation issues because they are a natural laxative.
Kale: Kale is lightweight with ruffled leaf edges. It is loaded with vitamins A, C, K, and more. It is known for lowering the risks associated with developing prostate, ovary, breast, colon, and bladder cancers.
Arugula: Arugula is a great source of folic acid as well as vitamins A, C, and K, and provides a boost for bone and brain health. It has a zippy, peppery flavor.
Beet Greens: Beet greens are the leafy tops of the beet vegetable. They are rich in vitamin K. They are known to help improve vision, help prevent Alzheimer’s, and boost the immune system.
Bok Choy: Bok choy is a Chinese cabbage that is mild tasting and crunchy. It is full of vitamins A, C, and calcium, as well as antioxidants.
Chard (aka Swiss Chard): Chard is a green leafy vegetable that displays red stalks, leaf veins, and stems. It has a beet-like taste and a mild texture. It is known to help prevent cancers and is good for cleansing the digestive system.
Lettuce: Lettuce has been a popular staple in salads since the time of the Ancient Egyptians. It contains essential amino acids and vitamins. Be sure to eat lettuces with dark green leaves to get the highest nutritional value. Romaine lettuce, in particular, has high levels of vitamin C, K, and A and is a good source of folic acid.
Mustard Greens: Spicy mustard greens are effective in lowering cholesterol and provide a healthy dose of riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, and iron. They are a storehouse of phytonutrients that have many disease-preventing properties.
Turnip Greens: Turnip greens, although slightly bitter, are very flavorful. Turnip greens are effective at providing many numerous health benefits, but they stand out amongst other green leafy veggies in their ability to fight the development of cancerous cells.
Milder-Tasting Greens:
- Baby beet greens
- Baby bok choy
- Butter lettuce
- Carrot top greens
- Kale
- Romaine lettuce
- Spinach
- Swiss chard
Stronger-Tasting Greens:
- Arugula
- Collard greens
- Dandelion greens
- Mustard greens
- Radish topsSorrel
- Turnip greens
- Watercress
Blending vs Juicing
Juices and smoothies both have their health benefits, but I feel that in most cases, blending provides a wider range of benefits than juicing. Smoothies have more fiber, fill you up better, and are both less expensive and less time-consuming to make.
Blending is faster than juicing and easier to clean up afterward. To make juice, all the fruit and vegetables must be cut up small enough to fit into the juicer and then processed one piece at a time. To make a smoothie, the fruits and veggies can go into the blender all at once.
Additionally, a juicer must be taken apart to be cleaned and then put back together, which requires a lot of time and cleanup. Blenders just require rinsing, with no parts to disassemble. It’s also easy to add superfoods, like maca or acai berries, to blenders as they will be blended through very evenly.
Also Read: Nighttime Smoothies for Weight Loss
How to Prepared
Are you ready for one of the biggest challenges of your life? The 10 Days Weight Loss Green Smoothie Cleanse will challenge you spiritually, mentally, and physically. It will transform your life in so many positive ways.
During the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, you will give your body healthy, nutrient-rich foods that make you feel alive! Know that there will be times when you feel frustrated or feel like giving up, but if you stick with it, your body will reward you for your efforts. You will be truly amazed at the results!
The first four days will be the most challenging part of your experience. As your body adjusts from receiving its calories from whole foods, to the blended, nutrient-rich green smoothies, it will initially crave what you were used to eating. This is normal so allow your body to adjust during the first four days even though you may feel uncomfortable at times. After the first few days, your body will become satisfied with the green smoothies and the amazing nutrients in them. You will begin to feel energized and healthy, maybe for the first time in years.
Because you are eating only blended foods (green smoothies), raw fruits and vegetables, and raw unsalted nuts and seeds, your digestive system has to do less work. This gives your body a chance to cleanse, heal and do some much-needed repair work.
What to Include in Your Green Smoothie?
For this 10-Day Challenge, the only acceptable foods to add in your smoothies are green leafy vegetables, fruits and water. Please do not add any starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, beets, carrots or any other vegetables that are not leafy greens. Fruit is normally digested quickly, but when it’s mixed with other starchy vegetables, the stomach will let the fruit sit while it digests the other foods that are in there. The fruit will begin to ferment which causes gas and bloating. To avoid this, only add green leafy veggies, fruits and water in the green smoothies during the 10-day cleanse.
Be sure to only use the darker varieties of green leafy vegetables as they provide chlorophyll and other important nutrients. Some examples of dark, leafy greens are kale, chard, spinach, baby salad greens, arugula, romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, beet greens, and collard greens. Organic produce is superior and important to use during the cleanse. If you can’t find organic fruits and vegetables, wash off the pesticides and waxes as best you can.
Preparing for Day 1
Before you begin, it is important to get mentally prepared for your new journey. Each day, remind yourself of the wonderful benefits of the 10-day cleanse. Tell yourself that you can do this and look forward to improving your energy and health in ways you never thought possible.
Begin each morning by drinking a few glasses of water to replenish what was lost overnight. Follow with a cup of detox tea which will provide cleansing support for your liver and kidneys. Feel free to add stevia, a natural sweetener, to your detox tea to enhance the taste. It is very important to drink a lot of water each day during the cleanse.
Staying hydrated will help your body flush away the toxins that it releases during the cleansing process. Frequent urination and bowel movements should be expected during the first few days of the 10-day cleanse.
Take Your Measurements and Photos
Weigh yourself and take your measurements (bust, waist, and hips), and record these numbers along with the date. Some people will lose more weight while others will lose more inches, so you want to measure both! The majority of you (80%) will lose 10 to 15 pounds in 10 days on the full cleanse.
Next, take photos of your entire body and of your face close-up. This will enable you to see the physical changes that take place. Many times you will see a big difference in the whites of your eyes, along with fewer dark circles and puffiness. This way you can monitor your progress not just by the weight on the scale but how you look and feel overall.
This isn’t just about weight loss. . . It’s about getting healthy. So you want to monitor your energy, digestion, moods, mental clarity, and radiance of your skin! Get both the health and weight loss benefit! Don’t let the scale become your enemy. Remember, weight loss can be up and down during a detox. But in the end, you’ll still lose.
The Shopping List
I recommend buying fruits and veggies for five days at a time, so expect to shop twice during the ten-day cleanse. Here you’ll see two lists – one for the first five days and the other for the final five days of the cleanse.
Food for the First Five Days
- 6 apples
- 1 bunch grapes
- 20 ounces frozen peaches
- 20 ounces frozen blueberries15 ounces frozen strawberries
- 10 ounces frozen mixed berries
- 6 ounces of mango chunks
- 3 bananas
- 1 bunch kale
- 20 ounces spinach
- 20 ounces spring mix greens
- Stevia sweetener (packets)
- Bag of ground flaxseeds (often in vitamin section)
- Fruit and veggies of your choice to munch on (such as apples, carrots, celery, etc.)
- Raw or unsalted nuts and seeds to snack on
- Detox tea (by Triple Leaf or Yogi brands)
- Sea salt (or any unionized sea salt)
- OPTIONAL: Non-dairy/plant-based protein powder, such as RAW Protein by Garden of Life or Sun Warrior protein
Food for the Last Five Days
- 20 ounces frozen mango chunks
- 20 ounces frozen peaches
- 20 ounces frozen pineapple chunks
- 10 ounces frozen mixed berries
- 6 ounces frozen blueberries
- 6 ounces frozen strawberries
- 2 apples
- 5 bananas
- 1 bunch kale
- 20 ounces spinach
- 20 ounces spring mix greens
- Fruit and veggies of your choice to munch on (such as apples, carrots, celery, etc.)
- Raw or unsalted nuts and seeds to snack on
10 Days of Recipes
Here are the recipes for the ten days of the Green Smoothie Cleanse. You will have all of the ingredients on hand if you made use of the grocery-shopping list.
Use one recipe per day, as it will make enough for a full day’s worth of smoothies. Be careful deviating from the recipes too much until after the detox/cleanse. These recipes were designed for detox, weight loss, better energy, and mental clarity. Try to stick to them as much as you can during the detox! You’ll get better results. After the detox, get creative, add variety, and keep losing weight and getting healthy!
The unblended ingredients are about 72 ounces. Once blended, they will blend down to about 36 to 48 ounces, depending upon blender size and amount of water. Divide the total amount into thirds and drink each serving three to four hours apart or sip on the smoothie throughout the day whenever you feel hungry.
If you don’t feel like drinking the entire days’ worth of smoothie, then drink at least two of them to ensure your body gets the proper nutrition. It’s important to drink a green smoothie or snack every three to four hours to keep your metabolism revved up. You will desire less food, but you still need to give your body fuel (smoothie or snack) every three to four hours.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a full-size blender, like a Vitamix or Blendtec or something similar, the entire recipe can go into the blender at one time, as it easily holds 72 ounces of ingredients. However, if you have a smaller blender, like a Nutribullet or something similar, they hold only about 32 ounces, so you may need to divide the recipe in half and blend twice to avoid spillovers.
DAY 1: Berry Green
- 3 handfuls spinach
- 2 cups water
- 1 apple, cored, quartered
- 1 cup frozen mangos
- 1 cup frozen strawberries
- 1 handful frozen or fresh seedless grapes
- 1 stevia packet (add more to sweeten, if necessary)
- 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
- OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
DAY 2: Apple Strawberry
- 3 handfuls spring mix greens
- 2 cups water
- 1 banana, peeled2 apples, cored, quartered
- 1 ½ cups frozen strawberries
- 2 stevia packets (add more to sweeten, if necessary)
- 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
- OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
DAY 3: Apple Berry
- 1 handful spring mix greens
- 2 handfuls spinach
- 2 cups water
- 1½ cups frozen blueberries
- 1 banana, peeled
- 1 apple, cored and quartered
- 1 packet stevia
- 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
- OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
DAY 4: Berry Peachy
- 2 handfuls kale1 handful spinach
- 2 cups water
- 2 apples, cored, quartered
- 1½ cups frozen peaches
- 1½ cups frozen mixed berries
- 2 packets stevia
- 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
- OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
DAY 5: Peach Berry Spinach
- 3 handfuls spinach
- 2 cups water
- 1 cup frozen peaches
- 1 handful fresh or frozen seedless grapes
- 1½ cups blueberries
- 3 packets stevia to sweeten
- 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
- OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place spinach and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
DAY 6: Pineapple Spinach
- 2 cups fresh spinach, packed
- 1 cup pineapple chunks
- 2 cups frozen peaches
- 2 bananas, peeled
- 1½ packets stevia
- 2 cups water
- 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
- OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place spinach and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
Day 7: Pineapple Berry
- 2 handfuls spring mix greens
- 2 handfuls spinach
- 1 banana, peeled
- 1 ½ cups pineapple chunks
- 1½ cups frozen mango chunks
- 1 cup frozen mixed berries
- 3 packets stevia
- 2 cups water
- 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
- OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
DAY 8: Spinach Kale Berry
- 2 handfuls kale
- 2 handfuls spinach
- 2 cups water
- 1 apple, cored, quartered
- 1 banana, peeled
- 1½ cups frozen blueberries
- 2 packets stevia
- 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
- OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
DAY 9: Apple Mango
- 3 handfuls spinach
- 2 cups water
- 1 apple, cored, quartered
- 1½ cups mangoes
- 2 cups frozen strawberries1 packet stevia
- 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
- OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place spinach and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients to blender. Blend until creamy.
DAY 10: Pineapple Kale
- 2 handfuls kale
- 1 handful spring mix greens
- 2 cups water
- 1½ cups frozen peaches
- 2 handfuls pineapple chunks
- 2 packets stevia
- 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
- OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
Some Personal Tips
Here are a few tips that will help you be successful!
Blender size will make a difference. Use a high-speed blender (around 1000 watts), such as Vitamix, Blendtec, or Nutribullet. With a high-speed blender, you should only have to blend for 30 seconds to one minute until your smoothie is creamy and smooth. However, if you have a regular blender, then plan on doubling the blending time to one to two minutes.
Add protein to your shake. Extra protein is not mandatory for this cleanse, which is why you will see it listed as optional. However, as a nutritionist, I recommend adding one scoop of protein per day because it will help keep you feeling full longer and your metabolism revved up. The protein can make the smoothie taste slightly pasty, so try the smoothie first without it and then add the protein to see if it is palatable to you.
Since you will be avoiding dairy (cow’s milk) during the cleanse, be sure you use a non-dairy, plant-based protein powder, such as rice, soy, or hemp protein, and not whey protein powder, which is made from cow’s milk.
My favorite brands are RAW Protein by Garden of Life, Sun warrior’s Protein Blend, or Rainbow Light’s Acai Berry Blast Protein Energizer. However, there are other quality options also. Other great sources of protein include hardboiled eggs, raw or unsalted nuts, and seeds, especially chia seeds or flaxseeds, and unsweetened peanut butter.
Chew your smoothies. Try to go through the chewing motion as much as possible, as the saliva in your mouth starts the digestive process. So, in as much as you can remember, try “chewing” your smoothie. This will also help minimize gas and bloating.
Expect your weight to fluctuate. While detoxing, you may gain on some days, while other days you may lose weight. This is perfectly normal. Weight fluctuates due to three things in the body: muscle, fat, and water. Muscle weighs the most—that’s why you can work out and build muscle and thereby gain weight. But you’re actually making progress by building muscle because it will help you burn fat all day long. For women, water is the biggest culprit, due to our hormones.
Many of us gain five to ten pounds of water weight during our cycle. For some, excess salt/sodium causes water to be trapped under the tissues in the body, making us weigh more and look bloated and puffy! So don’t sweat it if your weight loss is a little up and down. When it’s up every week, week after week, then you know you have a problem! Also, look into getting a Tanita scale—it will tell you your weight and the percentage of muscle, fat, and water in the body. This is helpful for people who work out!
Remove the stems from your greens. Many greens such as kale, collards, etc., come packaged without the stems, but if not, be sure to destem the stalks from all green veggies, as they alter the taste quite a bit. I like to buy my greens already destemmed.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the 10 Day Challenge Green Smoothie Cleanse.
Should I take my medications during the cleanse?
I am not a medical doctor, so you should talk to your doctor prior to starting the cleanse. I would personally never stop taking any medications prescribed by a doctor. However, the choice is yours.
Are there any supplements that are important to take?
Whether or not you continue to take your current vitamin supplements during the cleanse is up to you. I prefer not to take vitamin supplements when I cleanse.
Why are the greens chunky and not blended well?
Place only the leafy greens and the water into the blender and blend until the mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Then stop the blender and add the remaining ingredients. Blend again until the whole smoothie is a creamy consistency.
Can I exercise while doing the cleanse?
Exercising while on the cleanse is beneficial. However, if you feel really fatigued, rest! Listen to your body, and if it wants to rest, please do so. The best types of exercises are brisk walking or yoga. Keep things simple during a detox. If you do not currently exercise regularly (this would be me!), start small. Take a fifteen-minute walk today and gradually increase your time over the next ten days. It is always best not to just dive right in and make yourself take an hour walk when you are not accustomed to exercising.
How long will my smoothie keep?
It is always ideal to drink your smoothie the same day you blend it to ensure you get maximum nutrition from it. However, if you are busy or for some other reason can’t make them fresh, then they can keep extremely well for up to two days in the refrigerator. A glass jar with a lid is ideal to safely store your smoothies. Covering your green smoothies with a tight lid minimizes oxidation and absorption of other smells from the refrigerator. Additionally, making the smoothies the night before is okay if it helps you stay on track.
How many snacks can I have per day and in what serving sizes?
Don’t think diet, think detox cleanse, so calories and serving sizes are not the focus. There are no hard and fast rules. But you should snack in moderation when you’re hungry. Trying to eat by counting calories and serving sizes won’t create a lifestyle change. You’ll just be on a diet for life. I don’t know about you, but I’m done with dieting! Ninety-five percent of people who lose weight on a fad diet gain it back in three to five years.
So, you’re changing your eating habits for life, retraining your taste buds to desire and crave healthier foods! Having said all that, the one caution I would give is on nuts and seeds. They are healthy fats but fats nonetheless. They can work against you if you eat too many. For a snack of nuts and seeds, think a handful!
How any ounces of the smoothie should I drink per day?
The unblended ingredients are about 72 ounces. Once blended, they will blend down to about 36 to 48 ounces depending upon blender size and amount of water used. You can drink three servings of 12 to 16 ounces each or feel free to sip on the smoothie throughout the day whenever you feel hungry.
How long can you stay on the full green smoothie cleanse?
I don’t recommend the full cleanse be longer than two weeks straight. However, two green smoothies plus a high-protein meal per day is very healthy and can be done for life. If you choose to redo the full cleanse or do it for longer than two weeks, you have to deliberately add more protein into your diet and be sure to rotate or use different greens each week!
Can I drink coffee while on the cleanse?
The cleanse is a time to give your body a rest. Coffee containing caffeine gives your adrenal glands a rush, and it is important to take a break from this. Coffee is also acidic. As you cleanse, you are bringing your pH into a more alkaline state, which is imperative for good health.
Coffee will interrupt the process of bringing your body into an alkaline state. It is also an irritant to the intestines. Take a break from it for now. If you need to, have a cup of green tea instead. But this also contains caffeine. Going without any caffeinated beverage is best.
For serious coffee drinkers, the hardest part may be giving up coffee. Here’s a tip: On the first two days of the cleanse, try half decaf/half regular coffee. For the next two days, try all decaf coffee. After that, try no coffee for the remainder of the cleanse.
This will help you gradually ease off coffee so you won’t get such strong detox headaches. Additionally, there is an herbal, caffeine-free coffee made by Teeccino that is delicious! And feel free to drink plenty of herbal teas.
Consider slowly weaning yourself off coffee during the week before you begin the cleanse. You may experience a headache or even achiness during the first few days if you are a regular coffee drinker. Again, this is your body’s cleansing reaction. It is very normal to feel less than optimal during the first few days. Consider this a sign that the cleanse is working.
Is the cleanse safe?
It is important to consult with your doctor prior to starting this cleanse. It is unlikely that any damage will be caused by consuming only fruits and vegetables for a period of two weeks or less. Not only is it safe to eat large amounts of plant foods, but it may also well add years to your life. Blended fruits and vegetables are very cleansing, so there is a possibility that you may experience a reaction as your body cleanses. The more toxic buildup that exists in your system, the more chance you will have of this occurring.
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I HATE BEING FAT! #9 Tips That Will Blow Your Mind
I want to say congrats on taking this amazing first step to take back control of your weight and health. If you are reading this, you’ve already done the hard part, and that’s to make the decision to lose weight and get healthy. You are on your way. This is a journey that will change your life—it’s not a diet but a lifestyle!
Remember that you have the power to change your life, and now with the information in this article, you have the tools to turn your dreams into reality. Every day is the beginning of the rest of your life. You are in control of what happens today. Start dreaming about a healthy, beautiful body and watch it become reality. You have power over your body and your life, so live it with passion because you only get one!