Recipes for After Weight Loss Surgery [Detailed Guide 2021]
Congratulations! You’ve made a very important decision to improve your health by having weight-loss surgery.
Now it’s time to use good nutrition to maximize not only your weight loss, but your health, vitality, and a renewed sense of wellbeing. I’m happy to share this guide in weight-loss surgery with you.
Also Read: Pre Weight Loss Surgery Diet
Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery reduces the size of your stomach so that it holds about 1 ounce instead of the usual quart, making it the size of your thumb instead of the size of a football. This smaller stomach is then typically reconnected to the second part of the small intestine (the jejunum).
Gastric bypass surgery can help speed up your weight loss by making it harder to eat much food at one time, and it also increases satisfaction after meals, especially in the early postoperative (also called postop) period.
This slower eating helps increase the feeling of fullness and satisfaction for many gastric bypass patients, although in the first few months after this surgery you may not have any appetite at all (a good thing, many of my patients find!).
This may be one of the only times in your life when you have to remind yourself to eat. This may be because of the temporary decrease of hunger hormones in the stomach because of the nature of the surgery.
Some people really enjoy this honeymoon period when they feel the freedom from the incessant hunger they may have felt before the GBP surgery.
Others find it hard to get all the protein necessary to heal, and they may use high-protein supplements (low in sugar and fat) to help achieve proper nutrition.
If you find yourself in the honeymoon period after your gastric bypass surgery, ensure you eat a minimum of three meals per day to help you meet your body’s needs.
Don’t worry about not feeling hungry; enjoy this honeymoon. As long as you’re drinking enough fluid and eating enough protein, you should be doing fine.
Things You Should Know
The specific nutrition recommendations – such as calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals – are based upon the most recent research studies.
However, because bariatric, or weight-loss, surgery is still a fairly new field, there may be variability among medical institutions and/or bariatric surgery teams, in terms of nutritional recommendations.
Please check with your hospital’s staff, including your dietitian, for your particular nutritional instructions.
The information provided in this section is general, rather than the exact diet for every patient because this article is meant to focus on our healthy recipes after your weight-loss surgery.
I offer just an overview of clinical nutrition guidelines, such as foods that you may want to avoid because of common intolerances and foods you may want to eat because of vitamins and minerals that may be deficient after your surgery.
Below the title of each recipe, you will find the abbreviations GBP (gastric bypass), Band (gastric banding), and BPD (biliopancreatic diversion, with and without the duodenal switch).
You will also see a designated number of weeks following each surgery category. Please let this serve as a possible guideline for when you might first try each respective recipe.
However, you should always keep in mind that your individual surgical center, as well as your individual tolerances, are key in terms of when you are ready to advance your diet and the foods your body can tolerate.
Please listen to your body, as well as your surgical team members, and slowly add new foods as recommended, one new food at a time to better ascertain which food(s) your body is able to digest well.
When it says, for example, “Weeks 4-6 Postop,” I wouldn’t try that recipe until at least four weeks after your surgery.
Below the title of each recipe includes eating guidelines for gastric bypass surgery (GBP), gastric banding (Band), and biliopancreatic diversion (BPD).
Keep in mind that these are merely suggestions and check with your center’s dietitian and team for your specific dietary guidelines.
Each recipe has been carefully analyzed for its nutritional content. After each recipe, you’ll find the number of calories; grams of protein and carbohydrates; total fat, saturated fat, sugars, and fiber; and milligrams of cholesterol and sodium, for each serving.
As you read these guidelines, and later on the recipes, please keep in mind that everyone is different and the recommendations in this article are just suggestions.
You should always refer to your doctor and weight-loss surgery team for individual guidance regarding your diet, vitamins, etc.
For example, your center might recommend that you puree all of your solid foods in a blender the first weeks or even a month or more after your weight-loss surgery.
Many surgical centers have different philosophies regarding advancing the diet. Please follow your center’s diet instructions.
You might need to wait a month or two before trying some of our recipes, but you’ll get there when you’re ready!
As you try the recipes, listen to your body and avoid foods that seem to be ill-tolerated (such as those that cause vomiting or chest pain).
On the other hand, although many weight-loss surgery patients don’t tolerate certain foods-such as doughy bread, rolls, pasta, and rice-you may find that you have no problem with them at all.
However, the guidelines are based upon a solid nutritional foundation and general feedback from weight-loss surgery patients regarding foods they often find hard to tolerate and those that seem to cause no problems at all.
It may be easy to overlook, but dehydration or suboptimal fluid intake is the most frequent commonality among patients that I see after weight-loss surgery.
This is not surprising since much of the population only drinks fluids when they’re thirsty, which means they’re already at least a little dehydrated.
I often advise my weight-loss surgery patients to aim for at least 48 ounces of total fluid per day, but preferably at least 64 ounces per day.
Even then, I recommend gauging urine color (if dark yellow or concentrated, you probably need to drink more fluid).
Also, if you feel dizzy when you stand or sit, or you pinch the skin on your knuckle and it takes longer to “bounce back” than it usually does, you probably need more fluid.
It’s very important to drink fluids, especially after weight-loss surgery, to help flush out toxins and to help your body run efficiently overall.
Water is the fluid I most highly recommend to patients to drink. However, I sometimes hear from patients that water tastes “heavy” or “metallic” right after weight-loss surgery.
If this is the case, adding lemon, lime, or diluting your favorite calorie-free (non -carbonated) beverage with the water may help. If it doesn’t, then drink unsweetened or artificially sweetened teas or other drinks (non-carbonated).
Juice can be dehydrating, and may even cause dumping syndrome (the sweaty, shaky, awful feeling some gastric bypass surgery patients get after eating sweets after surgery) if you drink them quickly and they’re more concentrated.
It’s best to avoid juices altogether for weight loss, as well as overall tolerance. I don’t advise more than 4 ounces of any kind of juice per day (especially not grape or cranberry juice, unless they’re diet juices), since juice beverages are typically high in sugar and calories.
Caffeinated Drinks
Caffeinated drinks, like regular coffee and tea, are typically discouraged, especially right after surgery, since caffeine is a diuretic, and getting enough fluid in after surgery is difficult for a lot of people.
Decaffeinated coffee or tea is fine, as long as you’re not adding cream or sugar (skim milk or artificial sweeteners are okay).
Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated beverages are also generally discouraged because they tend to cause gas and bloating, which are already an issue for many people (at least for a brief period after surgery).
In addition, there is a school of thought among some surgeons and other clinicians that continuous pressure from carbonated beverages could widen the connection from the new stomach pouch to the middle part of the small intestine (among gastric bypass patients), and this could lessen the feeling of fullness, which could cause weight to regain, or lessen overall weight loss.
In some of our recipes, you will find wine in the ingredient list, since it’s often used for flavor. Even though the alcohol evaporates during the cooking process, substitutions for alcohol have been provided.

Protein will always be important in your diet, both before and after your weight-loss surgery. Your surgical center will provide you with specific guidelines for protein intake.
But I generally recommend a minimum of 60-70 grams of protein per day (before and after your surgery), and higher amounts if you’ve had BPD surgery (up to 100 grams of protein per day may be needed).
Protein is very important for proper healing after surgery, as well as for life-long health.
In the first weeks or months after surgery, your diet may be 40 to 50 percent protein due to lower food intake overall, and the inability to eat much at one time.
This higher percentage of protein early on after your weight loss surgery is recommended in order to help you meet your body’s protein needs.

In this day of low-carb dieting “carbohydrates” is almost a dirty word when it comes to diets. However, it’s important for weight-loss surgery patients to incorporate healthy carbohydrates into their diets, both before and after surgery.
Healthy carbs include 100 percent whole wheat bread (thin slices or toast are better tolerated than thick slices), brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, and fresh fruit and vegetables.
However, right after your weight loss surgery, you are typically not allowed to have these foods, since they’re not well tolerated right away. Be sure to stick with foods recommended by your doctor during this time.
I generally recommend that most people include at least 40 percent of carbohydrates in their total caloric intake, both prior to surgery and for a few months after surgery to provide energy.
Carbohydrates are the premier sources of energy for the brain and the body in general, so if you’re not ingesting enough carbohydrates in the months after your surgery, you may very well find that your energy is lacking, to say the least.
You’ll notice in the recipes that I’ve included “sugars” information. Every 4 grams of “sugars” represents 1 teaspoon (or 1 packet) of sugar.
There are varying schools of thought, but dumping syndrome may increase if you’re consuming foods or beverages high in simple sugars.
The term “sugars” on a nutrition label refers to simple sugars. Even if you never “dump” or had the banding surgery, which does not involve dumping risk, it’s still not a bad idea to watch the sugars in your diet.
I’ve restricted the recipes to about 15 grams of sugars or less (no more than 4 teaspoons of sugar) for general health.
In order to have a balanced, healthy diet, try to limit fats in your diet to no more than 30 percent of your total calories.
Ideally, most of the fat in your diet will come from “heart-healthy” fats, such as olive, macadamia, and peanut oils. These fats will help decrease total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (LDLs).
Heart-healthy fats may also have a role in increasing good cholesterol, or high-density lipoproteins (HDLs).
However, please keep in mind that even healthy fats are higher in calories compared to carbohydrates and proteins.
In moderation, healthy fats can be part of a healthy, balanced diet, but try to keep the overall calories from fat no greater than 30 percent, even if they’re healthy fats.
Trans fatty acids are the least healthy fats. These are typically found in processed foods, such as french fries, peanut butter, crackers, and margarine.
Such fats are extremely unhealthy and raise levels of bad cholesterol, so try to avoid them. When you look at a food label’s ingredients, trans fat can be spotted by the term “partially hydrogenated.”

If you look at a food label, you’ll see that fiber is actually included under carbohydrates in the nutrition information.
However, by definition, humans do not possess the enzyme necessary to use fiber for calories or energy, which explains the recent trend to exclude fiber from the carbohydrate content of foods.
There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. They are both important in the diet but perform different functions.
How can you tell which fiber is soluble or insoluble? If you peel an apple and place the peel in a glass of water and stir it around, nothing happens (it doesn’t dissolve in the water). This is an example of insoluble fiber.
In general, bran and the skins and peels of fruits and vegetables contain insoluble fiber, which helps with constipation since it speeds the food through your gastrointestinal tract.
If you take the pulp of an apple, on the other hand, and submerge it in water, you’ll find it dissolves. This is an example of soluble fiber (e.g., applesauce).
Soluble fiber may help with lowering cholesterol in some cases (e.g., oatmeal), and may also help if you’re having diarrhea since it is a natural stool binder.
The American Cancer Society recommends that 25 to 30 grams of fiber be included in our daily diet to potentially lower the risk for colon cancer, and possibly other cancers as well.
Vitamin and Minerals
Many surgical centers will do blood tests prior to your weight-loss surgery to ensure that you’re in the best possible health before going into the operating room.
It’s not uncommon for people to have some vitamin and mineral deficiencies, so don’t be alarmed if your doctor tells you that these deficiencies need to be corrected preceding surgery.
I have found several studies citing Vitamin D deficiency or issues with iron, anemia, or Vitamin B12 before surgery.
If you are told that you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency after your surgery (and you’ve been taking all the supplements your doctor has ordered), don’t be too hard on yourself.
Studies show that even people who follow a healthy diet and take their recommended supplements following their surgery may have some deficiencies. So it might be that you need some additional supplementation.
If not corrected right away, a Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause numbness or tingle in your fingers and memory loss.
If not corrected for several weeks or months, it may even cause irreparable neurological damage. So, the benefits of repairing your deficiencies are well worth it.
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Breakfasts and Brunches
To save time, prepare the turkey bacon ahead of time per the package instructions. Serve this, or any of the scrambles in this article, with a slice of whole-grain toast or English muffin for a complete breakfast. You can leave out the cheese from any of these scrambles.
Denver Scramble
- GBP: Weeks 4 – 6 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 4-6 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 2- 4 Postop
- 1 teaspoon light butter
- 1 1/2 teaspoons chopped green bell pepper
- 1 1/2 teaspoons chopped yellow onion
- 1 1/2 teaspoons chopped tomato
- 1 slice (1 ounce, or 28 g) reduced-sodium, reduced-fat ham, chopped
- 1/4 cup (60 ml) liquid egg substitute
- 1 tablespoon (7 g) reduced-fat shredded Cheddar cheese
In an omelet pan over medium heat, melt the butter, swirling the pan to coat evenly. Add the pepper, onion, and tomato and cook for 4 to 5 minutes, until they become soft.
Then add the ham and continue cooking, until heated through. Add the egg substitute, stirring gently but constantly with a heat-resistant rubber spatula, scraping the bottom of the pan to keep the eggs moving to avoid browning.
When the eggs are almost finished, add the cheese and turn off the heat. Gently fold the cheese into the eggs, turning it over with the spatula. When the cheese becomes soft but not dissolved, turn the scramble onto a plate.
YIELD: Makes 1 serving
Each with:
- Calories: 126.55
- Protein: 13.96 g
- Carbs: 3.48 g
- Total Fat: 6.34 g
- Sat Fat: 1.60 g
- Cholesterol: 17.38 mg
- Sodium: 381.03 mg
- Sugars: 1.15 g
- Fiber: 0.39 g
Ground Beef and Spinach Scramble
- GBP: Weeks 4-6 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 4-6 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 2-4 Postop
In an omelet pan over medium heat, melt the butter, swirling the pan to coat evenly. Add the ground beef and saute for 4 to 5 minutes, until warmed through.
Then add the spinach and continue cooking, until the spinach is completely wilted. Add the egg substitute, stirring gently but constantly with a heat-resistant rubber spatula, scraping the bottom of the pan to keep the eggs moving to avoid browning.
When the eggs are almost finished, add the cheese and turn off the heat. Gently fold the cheese into the eggs, turning it over with the rubber spatula. When the cheese becomes soft but not dissolved, turn the scramble onto a plate.
- 1 teaspoon light butter
- 6 teaspoons lean, browned ground beef
- 1/3 cup (10 g) chopped fresh spinach leaves, stems removed
- 1/4 cup (60 ml) liquid egg substitute
- 1 tablespoon (5 g) shredded Parmesan cheese
YIELD: Makes 1 serving
Each with:
- Calories: 141.75
- Protein: 17.45 g
- Carbs: 0.93 g
- Total Fat: 7.29 g
- Sat Fat: 2.47 g
- Cholesterol: 24.92 mg
- Sodium: 250.21 mg
- Sugars: 0.61 g
- Fiber: 0.22 g
Mushroom and Swiss Cheese Scramble
- GBP: Weeks 4 -6 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 4-6 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 2-4 Postop
- 1 teaspoon light butter
- 1/4 cup (15 g) sliced mushrooms
- 1/4 cup (60 ml) liquid egg substitute
- 1 slice (1 ounce, or 28 g) low-fat Swiss cheese, cut into strips
In an omelet pan over medium heat, melt the butter, swirling the pan to coat evenly. Add the mushrooms and saute for about 4 to 5 minutes, until they become soft and just begin to brown.
Then add the egg substitute, stirring gently but constantly with a heat-resistant rubber spatula, scraping the bottom of the pan to keep the eggs moving to avoid browning.
When the eggs are almost finished, add the cheese and turn off the heat. Gently fold the cheese into the eggs, turning it over with the rubber spatula. When the cheese becomes soft but not dissolved, turn the scramble onto a plate.
YIELD: Makes 1 serving.
Each with:
- Calories: 171.85
- Protein: 19.29 g
- Carbs: 2.24 g
- Total Fat: 9.27 g
- Sat Fat: 3.57 g
- Cholesterol: 17.63 mg
- Sodium: 223.34 mg
- Sugars: 1.46 g
- Fiber: 0.68 g
Greek Scramble
- GBP: Weeks 4 -6 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 4 – 6 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 2- 4 Postop
- 1 teaspoon light butter
- 1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme leaves
- 1/4 cup (60 ml) liquid egg substitute
- 2 large pitted black olives, sliced
- 2 teaspoons finely-diced green bell pepper
- 2 teaspoons feta cheese crumbles
In an omelet pan over medium heat, melt the butter, swirling the pan to coat evenly. Add the thyme and saute for about 1 to 2 minutes, until it begins to bubble and sweat.
Then add the egg substitute, stirring gently but constantly with a heat-resistant rubber spatula, scraping the bottom of the pan to keep the eggs moving to avoid browning.
When the eggs are almost finished, add the olives, pepper, and cheese and turn off the heat. Gently fold the ingredients into the eggs, turning them over with the rubber spatula. When the cheese becomes soft but not dissolved, turn the scramble onto a plate.
YIELD: Makes 1 serving.
Each with:
- Calories: 96.95
- Protein: 8.61 g
- Carbs: 1.78 g
- Total Fat: 5.97 g
- Sat Fat: 1.68 g
- Cholesterol: 6.19 mg
- Sodium: 247.13 mg
- Sugars: 1.42 g
- Fiber: 0.38 g
Classic Turkey and Swiss Wrap
Many people have a hard time with bread after any kind of weight-loss surgery, but many of my patients tell me they can tolerate pita bread, wrap or lavash bread, and thin and/ or toasted bread.
As always when trying a new food for the first time after your weight loss surgery, try only a small amount at a time and listen to your body.
Here’s a wrapped version of the classic turkey and Swiss cheese sandwich, only with fewer carbs, calories, and fat.
- GBP: Weeks 6 – 8 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 6 – 8 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 6-8 Postop
- 2 tablespoons (30 g) nonfat mayonnaise
- 2 teaspoons prepared sweet mustard
- 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
- 4 (9-inch, or 22.S-cm) low-carb tortillas
- 4 whole green or red leaf lettuce leaves
- 12 ounces (340 g) thin sliced roasted turkey, skin and fat removed
- 4 slices (4 ounces, or 11S g) low-fat, low-sodium Swiss cheese
- 2 Italian plum tomatoes, cored and cut lengthwise into 8 slices
- 8 thin red onion ring slices
In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, mustard, and pepper. Spread the mixture equally onto 4 tortillas. Next, layer the lettuce, then the turkey, Swiss cheese, tomato, and onion.
Wrap the tortillas tightly around the filing, wrap the roll in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least one hour before serving. To serve, cut each wrap in half.
YIELD: Makes 8 (1/2-wrap) servings
Each with:
- Calories: 151.44
- Protein: 17.23 g
- Carbs: 11.63 g
- Total Fat: 6.54 g
- Sat Fat: 2.01 g
- Cholesterol: 32.50 mg
- Sodium: 438.73 mg
- Sugars: 202 g
- Fiber: 7.31 g
Ultimate Veggie Sandwich
A true-blue vegetarian sandwich should contain a few standard ingredients such as avocado, cucumber, and alfalfa sprouts. After that, it’s really up to your personal taste. Here’s the recipe for my favorite veggie sandwich.
- GBP: Weeks 6 – 8 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 6-8 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 6 – 8 Postop
- 2 slices diet whole grain bread, toasted
- 1/4 ripe avocado (should be slightly soft to the touch on the outside)
- 1 teaspoon nonfat cream cheese
- Small pinch salt
- Small pinch pepper
- 3 thinly sliced red onion rings
- 3 thinly sliced green bell pepper rings
- 2 5/8-inch (6.25-cm) thick slices tomato
- 6 thinly sliced cucumber coins, peeled
- 1-inch (2.5-cm) layer alfalfa sprouts
On one slice of bread, spread the avocado, and spread the cream cheese on the other. On top of the avocado, layer the salt, pepper, onion, bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, and sprouts. Top with the remaining slice of bread, spear with toothpicks, cut in half, and serve.
YIELD: Makes 1 (sandwich) serving
Each with:
- Calories: 209.10
- Protein: 8.05 g
- Carbs: 30.22 g
- Total Fat: 902 g
- Sat Fat: 176 g
- Cholesterol: 0.76 mg
- Sodium: 291.33 mg
- Sugars: 5.57 g
- Fiber: 10.83 g
Green Tomato Soup with Fresh Tarragon
Here’s a great way to use the green tomatoes left on the summer gardener’s vines.
- GBP: Weeks 2-4 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 2 – 4 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 2 -4 Postop
In a 6-quart (6-L) stockpot or Dutch oven, heat the oil and cooking spray over medium-high heat. Add the onion, tomatoes, coriander, tarragon leaves, salt (if using), and pepper.
Saute the mixture, stirring just enough to expose all ingredients to the heating surface.
Continue to saute until soft, but do not brown. Remove the pot from the heat and let the mixture cool for 10 minutes.
Place the mixture into a food processor fitted with a metal S blade or blender and pulse until almost pureed consistency.
Return the mixture to the pot and add the broth. Bring to a simmer, cover, and continue simmering for 20 minutes.
Check the seasoning and adjust with salt if necessary. Serve in warmed soup bowls with a dollop of sour cream or yogurt (if using) and the tarragon sprigs.
- 1 tablespoon (14 ml) extra-virgin olive oil
- Olive-oil-flavored cooking spray
- 3 cups (480 g) diced yellow onion
- 8 medium green tomatoes, cored and chopped into 1-inch (2.5-cm) pieces
- 2 teaspoons coriander seed
- 2 1/2 teaspoons fresh tarragon leaves
- 2 cups (475 ml) natural low-sodium chicken broth
- Salt (optional)
- 1/2 teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper
- 1/4 cup (50 g) nonfat sour cream or nonfat plain yogurt (optional)
- 4 sprigs fresh tarragon
YIELD: Makes 5 Cl-cup) servings,
Each with:
- Calories: 123.29
- Protein: 4.64 g
- Carbs: 20.81 g
- Total Fat: 3.42 g
- Sat Fat: 0.49 g
- Cholesterol: 0.00 mg
- Sodium: 220.90 mg
- Sugars: 11.98 g
- Fiber: 3.87 g
Chilled Honeydew Soup with Spearmint
This cold soup is a summertime crowd-pleaser! It can be served as an appetizer, between courses to cleanse the palate, or as a light dessert.
- GBP: Weeks 2- 4 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 2-4 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 2- 4 Postop
- 1 honeydew melon
- 1/4 cup (60 ml) lemon juice
- 1/2 cup (120 ml) cooking sherry or alcohol-free white wine
- 2 tablespoons (11 g) chopped spearmint leaves
- 8 sprigs fresh spearmint (optional)
Cut the melon in half and scrape out and discard the seeds. Using a tablespoon, scrape all of the flesh into a food processor fitted with a metal S blade.
Add the lemon juice, sherry or wine, and chopped spearmint. Puree the mixture just until it has a liquid consistency.
Place it into a 3-quart (3-L) container with an airtight lid and chill it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Stir and serve in chilled dessert bowls or martini glasses. Garnish with the spearmint sprigs (if using).
YIELD: Makes 8 (about 1/2-cup) servings.
Each with:
- Calories: 73.60
- Protein: 0.94 g
- Carbs: 15.39 g
- Total Fat: 0.23 g
- Sat Fat: 0.06 g
- Cholesterol: 0.00 mg
- Sodium: 114.35 mg
- Sugars: 13.25 g
- Fiber: 1.41 g
The serving size above is half the usual serving of soups in this book because the content of sugars is too high using the 1 -cup serving (because of the fruit).
The 1/4 – CUP serving provides 13 grams of sugars, which is within the 14 grams or less per serving needed to avoid dumping syndrome.
Gastric banding patients, or those who are not sensitive to sugars, can enjoy a larger portion (such as 1 cup) because this is a low-fat, healthy soup.
Whole-Wheat Elbow Macaroni Salad
Bring this pasta salad to a potluck or barbecue. Garnish it with fresh tomato wedges.
- GBP: Weeks 6-8 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 6-8 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 6-8 Postop
Cook the macaroni according to package instructions, omitting the salt and oil. Drain the macaroni and cool completely in the refrigerator.
While the macaroni cools, place the mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, celery salt, and pepper in a small mixing bowl and stir to combine.
When the pasta is completely cooled, place it in a large mixing bowl along with the onion, celery, bell pepper, olives, parsley, and green onion and pour the dressing over the top.
Using a large spoon or rubber spatula, gently stir the pasta until it is completely covered with a dressing. Transfer to a serving bowl.
- 1 cup (105 g) dry whole-wheat macaroni
- 1/2 cup (115 g) nonfat mayonnaise
- 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
- 1 tablespoon (14 ml) lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon celery salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1/2 cup (80 g) finely chopped red onion
- 3/4 cup (75 g) finely chopped celery
- 1/2 cup (70 g) finely chopped red bell pepper
- 1 tablespoon (4 g) chopped fresh parsley
- 1 1/2 teaspoons finely chopped green onion
YIELD: Makes about 8 Ch-cup) servings
Each with:
- Calories: 69.92
- Protein: 2.41 g
- Carbs: 14.32 g
- Total Fat: 0.51 g
- Sat Fat: 0.05 g
- Cholesterol: 0.01 mg
- Sodium: 156.99 mg
- Sugars: 3.14 g
- Fiber: 1.96 g
Mandarin Pea Pod Salad
This salad is colorful, nutritious, and wonderful for home entertaining.
- GBP: Weeks 6-8 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 6 – 8 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 6-8 Postop
Cut the stems off of the spinach and shred (with your hands) into about 1-inch (2.5-cm) pieces, arranging evenly on a serving platter. In a 1 1/2-quart (1.5-L) saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Remove the stems and strings from the peas.
Prepare an ice bath by filling a medium mixing bowl with ice and just enough cold water to cover. Drop the peas into the boiling water and blanch them for about 45 seconds.
With a strainer, remove the peas and immediately place them into the ice bath. (This stops the cooking process and helps to maintain the beautiful, bright green color.)
After 60 seconds in the ice bath, remove the peas, drain, pat dry with paper towels, and place evenly atop the spinach.
Arrange the mandarin oranges evenly over the peas. In a small plastic container with a lid, combine the sesame seeds (if using), shallots, oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, lime juice, and lime zest.
Shake vigorously and/or whisk until the dressing is emulsified. Just prior to serving, pour the salad dressing evenly over the top.
YIELD: Makes 8 (about 3/ 4-Cup) servings.
Each with:
- Calories: 102.22
- Protein: 3.49 g
- Carbs: 1709 g
- Total Fat: 2.44 g
- Sat Fat: 0.32 g
- Cholesterol: 0.00 mg
- Sodium: 99.57 mg
- Sugars: 11.76 g
- Fiber: 3.72 g
Whole Roasted Chicken with Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts
This dinner is easy and elegant, yet packed with flavor from the garlic and white wine.
- GBP: Weeks 6-8 Posto p
- BAND: Weeks 6- 8 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 6-8 Posto p
Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C, or gas mark 6). Remove all innards from the chicken. Using kitchen shears or a filet knife, remove all of the skin and trim all of the excess fat.
In a small cup or bowl, combine the salt, pepper, and basil and mix well into a dry rub. Rub the seasonings evenly on all surface areas of the chicken.
Place the chicken breast side down in a 6-quart (6 -L) roasting pan with a lid. Add the garlic, wine or stock, water, and lemon juice to the pan.
Place the potatoes on one side of the pan, and the Brussels sprouts on the other, along with the chicken. Cover with the lid and bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, basting with the liquid in the pan three or four times.
Remove the cover and continue baking for an additional 30 minutes, until a leg can easily be separated from the body when checked with a fork, and the juices from the chicken run clear. (If using a meat thermometer, the internal temperature of the breast should be about 180°F.)
Remove the chicken from the pan and let stand for about 5 minutes before carving. For an elegant presentation, serve the chicken, potatoes, and Brussels sprouts on the same serving platter, decorated with fresh parsley sprigs.
- 1 (5-pound, or 2.5-kg) whole chicken
- 2 teaspoons sea salt or kosher salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon dried basil
- 4 cloves fresh garlic, halved
- 1/2 cup (120 ml) white wine or chicken stock
- 2 cups (475 ml) water
- 2 tablespoons (28 ml) lemon juice (about 1/2 lemon)
- 12 small to medium baby red potatoes, washed and halved
- 18 Brussels sprouts, washed, trimmed, and halved
- Fresh sprigs parsley
YIELD: Makes 6 (about 3- 4 ounces chicken, 6 Brusse ls sprout halves, and 4 potato halves) servings
Each with:
- Calories: 356.93
- Protein: 29.41 g
- Carbs: 45.76 g
- Total Fat: 4.89 g
- Sat Fat: 0.16 g
- Cholesterol: 76.00 mg
- Sugars: 3.54 g
- Sodium: 464.20 mg
A 5-pound (4.5-kg) chicken will yield approximately 16 ounces (455 g) of white meat and 8 ounces (445 g) of dark meat. The white meat of the chicken is lower in fat and cholesterol than the dark meat.
You might want to add fat-free gravy or another type of low-fat sauce to make sure it’s as moist as possible. The dark meat, with the skin removed, is Okay in moderation (about 3 ounces, 85 g, a few times a week), but it’s important to avoid the skin to keep the saturated fat and cholesterol down.
Lobster and Scallop Sauté with Fresh Steamed Green Beans
- GBP: Weeks 6-8 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 6-8 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 6-8 Postop
Toast the bread, cut it into small cubes, then season it with salt and pepper. In a microwave-safe bowl, place the green beans and cover them with water.
Place a microwave-safe plate on top of the bowl. Steam the green beans for 4 minutes in the microwave.
Coat a 6-inch (Is-cm) nonstick omelet pan with cooking spray and heat over high heat. Sear the scallop halves on both sides, transfer to a bowl, and set aside.
In the same pan, melt the butter substitute over medium-high heat. Add the lobster, scallops with any juices, and the wine.
Cook for about 8 minutes, stirring occasionally until the wine has reduced a bit and the lobster is cooked. (Lobster is cooked when all translucency has disappeared and the meat is solid white throughout.)
Transfer the lobster and scallops to a serving plate or an entree bowl, top with the croutons, and garnish with green beans on one side.
- 1 slice reduced-calorie whole-wheat bread
- 1 cup (100 g) fresh green beans
- Small dash salt
- Small dash pepper
- 2 large sea scallops, sliced in half horizontally
- 2 teaspoons butter substitute
- 1/4 cup (35 g) shelled lobster meat
- 2 tablespoons (28 ml) white wine
YIELD: Makes about 2 servings
Each with:
- Calories: 123.87
- Protein: 13.24 g
- Carbs: 9.10 g
- Total Fat: 2.76 g
- Sat Fat: 0.43 g
- Cholesterol: 40.39 mg
- Sodium: 442.55 mg
- Sugars: 1.93 g
- Fiber: 2.89 g
Breaded Grouper Fillets
This is sinfully delicious and healthy, too.
- GBP: Weeks 4-6 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 4-6 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 3-6 Postop
- 2 tablespoons (30 g) light mayonnaise
- 1/4 teaspoon lemon zest
- 2 teaspoons water
- 2 teaspoons lemon juice
- 1 1/2 pounds (700 g) grouper fillets, cut into approximately 4-ounce (115 g) pieces
- 1 cup (100 g) seasoned bread crumbs
- 2 tablespoons (8 g) chopped fresh parsley
- 1 lemon, cut into 6 wedges
Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, or gas mark 5). Spray a baking sheet with cooking spray. In a shallow 2-quart (2-L) mixing bowl, combine the mayonnaise, lemon zest, water, and lemon juice.
Place the fillets in the mixture and coat them evenly. Pour the bread crumbs onto a dinner plate. One at a time, lightly coat the fillets in the bread crumbs and place them on the prepared baking sheet.
Bake for 15 minutes, until golden and crispy. Place the fillets on a serving plate, sprinkle with the parsley and garnish with the lemon.
YIELD: Makes 6 (3-ounce) servings.
Each with:
- Calories: 198.51
- Protein: 24.85 g
- Carbs: 14.27 g
- Total Fat: 3.93 g
- Sat Fat: 0.88 g
- Cholesterol: 43.82 mg
- Sodium: 445.97 mg
- Sugars: 1.20 g
- Fiber: 1.04 g
Fillet of Sale with Vegetables Baked in Parchment
So easy and virtually no mess to clean up, these vegetables require very little attention and are cooked to perfection as they steam with the fish in parchment paper.
- GBP: Weeks 4-6 Postop
- BAND: Weeks 4-6 Postop
- BPD: Weeks 3-6 Postop
Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, or gas mark 5)· Cut 4 sheets of parchment paper into 12-x 12-inch (30- x 30-cm) squares and fold each in half.
Open the sheets and place one fillet in the center of the sheet, just below the fold. Rub both sides of each fillet with just enough oil to give a shiny appearance, then sprinkle evenly with salt and pepper.
Place a lemon slice in the center of each fillet and evenly sprinkle with the parsley. Trim the ends from the asparagus and discard, and then place 3 spears directly under each fillet.
Slice the squash into about 1/4-inch (6 mm) half circles and pile the pieces equally on top of the asparagus.
Carefully fold the open three edges of the parchment together tightly, leaving room for air and steam to circulate around the contents of the packet.
Staple the folds shut with 2 or 3 staples for each edge and place the 4 packets on a baking sheet. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.
Let stand for about 5 minutes before placing the packets on dinner plates. (You may wish to remove the contents from the parchment entirely before serving, or simply just leave it in the parchment for the individual to deconstruct. That’s the fun part! Slice a small incision in the parchment with a small, sharp knife and tear the rest of the way open.)
YIELD: Makes 4 servings (about 4 oz sole, 3 asparagus spears, and 1,/2 squash = 1 serving).
Each with:
- Calories: 164.79
- Protein: 26.23 g
- Carbs: 4.25 g
- Total Fat: 5.21 g
- Sat Fat: 0.81 g
- Cholesterol: 70.87 mg
- Sodium: 173.27 mg
- Sugars: 2.37 g
- Fiber: 1.87 g